What can you use ChatGPT for?

ChatGPT is so popular now, but after trying it for sometimes, do you wonder in which usecases the chatgpt can be useful?, how can it help you other than just chitchat and answering curious and tests questions?

Uhm, many company and people started to integrate ChatGPT to their products and services. What services, products are benefits from this? In my opinion, these are areas and services can be improved from it

  1. Mental health or health care services in general.
  2. Education
  3. Customer services

With healthcare domains, you can ask many questions, from querying the clinics near you, their services and also the advices to improve your health. Related to your health, you need to be extra careful not to trust the bot’s answer immediately, except if it comes from the trusted health clinics (and ofcourse if they integrated into their services/products). Otherwise, you still need to verify information through the trusted sites. You can either searching your trusted clinics sites, or websites about healthcare of your government, etc.

Education domain is so much easier, faster (for students, lol) with the help of ChatGPT. You can just simply put your homework questions to ChatGPT, it gives you the answers instantly, and maybe holistically 🙂 Or you can see many articles about its intelligence that its answer passed the exams too. The key thing here is how do you phrase your question 😉 And this can not be used if the test/homework is in-person and no computer or digital devices are used (which I believed many countries still require in-person, on paper exams). Further more, as many experts warned, the chatbot can provide incorrect information. It uses so much data that no one can verify and fact-check all of them, so still a chance you get the wrong answer. The different is maybe just a word (eg: DO vs DO NOT).

Customer services, especially via text message and chatbox, or FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) for company’s services and products, troubleshoot the issues for the customers can be much improved with this ChatGPT. The chat experience is much nicer, smooth and instantly whereas the traditional chatbot hardly understands what you are trying to asks, when the bot’s supported language is not your native language, or you phrases your questions too complicated.

In general, in my opinion, ChatGPT cannot be used out of the box at least at the moment, you still need supervision and fact-checking. Maybe the next generation, when its answers are better, you can trust it more. In the meantime, I think lots of us have to improved our skills, or think creatively how to live with it 😀


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