My Ubuntu (20.04) daily commands and tools

My favourite tools using daily at work

  • Visual Studio Code
  • vim and gedit
  • terminal
  • Meld to compare files, folders
  • Chrome browser with many tabs 😉
    • Simple Websocket Client plugin
  • ibus to typing Vietnamese

My favourite commands

  • ssh to login to servers, vms
    ssh <user>@<server-name or ip>
    ssh -p <port> <user>@<server-name or ip>

    ssh -p 50002 [email protected]
  • scp to copy files to remote server
    scp -r <files or folder> <user>@<remote server-name or ip>
    scp -r <user>@<remote server-name or ip>:/path/to/files/folder <dest folder at your computer>
  • df -h: to list the storage size on different partitions or drivers.
  • du -sh *: List the storage size of all folders, files on the current directory.
  • ls path/to/folder/ -larth: List the files, folders, with size, permission, owner
  • ifconfig: Check the ip address of the current computer
  • git status: check the status of the git directory, before making any change, commit or pull
  • cp -rL: Copy recursive and large files more effectively.
  • gedit <file>: Edit file with GUI text editor.

  • docker commands: Will be elaborate more in different post later.
  • sudo apt update/install/remove <package>
  • (python -m ) pip install <package==version>: Using python -m if you want to install python package with specific python version.

Key combination

  • Ctrl + Shift + T: Open the terminal and a new tab
  • Ctrl + Shift + Key Up or Down to move between tabs.
  • Ctrl + Shift + ‘+’: to increase size of text.
  • with vim editor
    • Esc key + :wq: to write and save changes
    • Esc key + :w to write changes
    • Esc key + q! to ignore the changes
    • Esc key + dd: to remove the line
    • Esc key + Insert key: to start editing.
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